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Ich habe mich nun entschlossen, noch weitere Lieder vom Georg Danzer

in die englische Sprache zu übertragen, je nach Lust und Laune.

Das erste Lied, welches ich dafür ausgewählt habe, hat sich mir gerade (aktuell)

wegen seinem Inhalt aufgedrängt, scheinbar ist es viel wichtiger,

als ich damals dachte, als „Weisse Pferde“ erschienen ist und so manchem

Hörer das ein oder andere Rätsel aufgab. Sicherlich... weder ist die Platte

noch ist das Lied selbst eine Offenbarung, aber es hatte eben doch seinen Sinn,

dass ich vor ein paar Jahren extra noch die CD-Bestellung tätigte,

weil mich die Lücke zwischen „Menschliche Wärme“ und „Alles aus Gold“

dann doch anfing, an meiner Sammlung zu stören.

Ich bin dem Originaltext sehr treu geblieben,

der einzige Unterschied ist, dass ich „die innere Stimme“ ersetzt habe

durch „das Geschriebene an der Wand“, denn... in meinem Text ist es kein

Fremder“, der angesprochen wird, sondern jemand, der es (hätte) besser wissen

müsste (müssen).


Your Opinion

(Deine Meinung)


Just tell me who are you

to tell me what to do

take care of your own business, boy

I don't depend on your point of view


my brain is still working just fine

so just use your own and I'll use mine.


Don't need anybody

enlightening me

'bout my mental state of health

that I'm suffering from severe poverty


my brain is still working just fine

my brain is still working just fine.


Your opinion

your opinion

your opinion

keep it to yourself

your opinion

your insisting uninteresting,

keep it to yourself


you just don't have a notion

not even a clue...


I'd like to live my own life

shouldn't bother you at all

if you stop your penetration

perhaps you'd see the writing on the wall


my brain is still working just fine

my brain is still working just fine.


Your opinion

your solution

your salvation

keep it to yourself

your opinion

your intrusion

is not welcome

keep it to yourself

your opinion

your prescription

your subscription

keep it to yourself

your opinion

your insisting's


keep it to yourself


you just don't have a notion

not even a clue

shut up now, cause we're through.


Originaltext & Musik: Georg Danzer (Album „Weisse Pferde“)

Englischer Text: Rupert für I.H. am 26.01.2019


English Far East Soldier (Da Chineser)


Became a rare feat walking outside

now I'm living on the eight

but it's a bore to watch the carpet

fall on me with all its weight

got a son with little spare time

since he made his business pay

moved into a better suburb

then his mother passed away


I got recruited as a young boy

didn't have no luxury

but those years spent in the army

they were the best of times for me,

are still the best of times for me.


Cause they brought me as far as China

lots of places I have seen

I've been an English far east soldier

in the service of the queen

I recall the smell of lotos

and Jasminblossoms fill the air

nothing quite like this in England

so I'd like to go back there


Though comes April there are flowers

and there's clover in July

luscious grapes to reap in autumn

but then the snow falls from the sky

oh yes, the snow falls from the sky

(unsung line: those winters make me wanna die).


Originaltext & Musik: Georg Danzer (Album „Grosse Dinge“)

Englischer Text: Rupi am 13.02.2019


Future (Zukunft)


Where's the future, dare tell me

where we're heading, seriously

the street's very likely

would you let your children know

what's the place where they must go

the street's very likely


learning it's been of no use

trusting anyone

must now pay for their parents' dues

and things they have not done

who shall get their fingers burned

won't for long resist

and where once was an open hand

now there'll be a fist


for every sin there is punishment


for every crime there'll be punishment



Where's their freedom, don't you lie

when our ethics don't apply

the street's very likely

as questions get too troublesome

where will they get their answers from

the street's very likely


every day there's child abuse

look within your home

either this or we get used to

leaving them alone

they're well aware we're doing this

for the holy dime

those children without future

will wage wars against present time


for every sin there is punishment


for every crime there'll be punishment



Das Youtubevideo ist hier mit dabei:In Memoriam Georg Danzer

Originaltext & Musik: Georg Danzer (Album „Jetzt oder nie“)

Englischer Text: Rupert am 14.02.2019




From Freiburg to Nebraska aka The German Policeman 

(Von Scheibbs bis Nebraska)


From Freiburg to Nebraska

...that's such a long, long way

but when I've done my service

the usual working day

I'm dreaming of Nebraska

a place I've never been

but there's enough of photographs I've seen.


I'm just a brave policeman

in service of the state

the criminals I'm hunting

make sure my bills get paid

though mostly parking sinners

for whom I'm writing fees

don't even see their faces personally.


I'd love to drive those highways

inside a chevrolet

chase armoured gangs for robberies

take murderers away

I wish I was a Lawman

respected for my gun

those German streets just aren't too much fun.


A lady of the country

would be my pride and joy

with me her one protector

no stud would dare annoy

I've earned my reputation

the toughest western man

as if John Wayne had come alive again


They'd call me little Ceasar

with my empire well secured

a place of peace and justice

to get caught, then get cured

where all the evil forces

will bow down and obey

and everbody's doing as I say.


From Freiburg to Nebraska

...that's such a long, long way

but when I've done my service

the usual working day

I'm dreaming of Nebraska

where living must be great

though I shall never get there, I'm afraid.


But if I win the lottery

I know what I will do

I'll sacrifice some greenery

and build Nebraska #2

at home inside my garden

a prison for my wife

so at least I'll live a comfortable life.


„Von Scheibbs bis Nebraska“

Originaltext & Musik by Georg Danzer

aus dem gleichnamigen Album

Englischer Text: Rupert am 03.07.2019


NNun kommen noch ein paar Videos, die auf der Seite GEORG DANZER translated into English for.... nicht mehr reinpassten!


"Nothing More Embarrassing" (Anleitung zum Selbstmord) ist der zweite Teil hier:

"The Giant Monster" (Diese riesige Maschine) ist der zweite Teil hier:

Englische Texte: © Rupert Lenz 79110 Freiburg



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